Monday, December 11, 2017

Veggie Garden at Cave

This year I tried my hand at a Veggie Garden
The soil next to the cave is bad, like in high percentage clay and badly drained.
I searched the farm scrapyard for any "containers" to plant the veggies in that can be filled with good soil. Found off-cut PVC pipes, old tires and other usable stuff. Filled everything with a combination of potting soil, compost and in some cases, sand.

I bought most of the seed from the "SEEDS FOR AFRICA" website and the rest from my local Kaap Agri store. Seeds for Africa had some interesting stuff I had to test:  Honeynut Butternut that only grow as big as your hand, Blue Shelling Peas, Patio Cucumber and Baby Corn. All plants were grown from seed in a seed tray. Probably wont go that route again with the bigger seed plants; just plant seed straight into container.

Tumbling Tom Yellow Tomato

Blue Shelling Peas


Flat White Boerpampoen

In the smaller PVC pipes: Patty Pans, Tomatoes, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower, Pepperdew,  more Lettuce, Honeynut Butternut

Baby Corn



Patio Cucumber


Baby Spinach

Patty Pans and Patio Cucumber

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