Thursday, May 4, 2023

Murasie 2 Easy

 The Murasie trip is one of those that needed to be repeated and will probably be done a couple of times more in the future. (Deo Volente)

Because of the 18 kilometer hike, in and out in total, the gear had to be ajusted for weight. Some gear purchases and swops were made to get the pack weight down. For the first time ever, each and every piece of equipment, clothing and ration were weighed and recorded into an Excel spreadsheet (Thx Ruhan). Both our backpacks came in at just under 20 kg.

The forecasted sea conditions were terrible with 4.5 meter swells and general rough seas predicted for the whole weekend. So it was decided to leave all diving gear at home, with just fishing gear for my friend Ruhan who knows how to fish in every condition.

Excitement was high when we finally reached the Murasie. We were looking forward to this for a couple of months.

"First things first" as they say. Shelter and kitchen.

The shelter was constructed with a 3m x 3m lightweight tarp.

Then it was time to go fish:

That night we had more than enough fish, succulently prepared in garlic butter, roasted to perfection . . . .  almost too easy 

Nothing beats a nice campfire, some good music and stars in the sky.

Early morning "koffie en beskuit" on the "stoep". Good vibes . . . 

 Then we headed west along the coast, in search of new fishing spots.

And success again!

Back at camp, it was time for lunch. Special surprize from Ruhan ! 

" Potbrood" and bacon & eggs !

The afternoon was spend playing cards and listening to good music

For starters the evening, I cooked a pea soup from split peas, de-hydrated salami pieces and instant pea soup.

Beautiful sunset

And so the trip came to an end the next morning when we hiked back. Recharged and ready to face life again (for a while)

Murasie 2 - Too easy 😀