Saturday, January 7, 2023


 December 2022

It all started with an idea to hike up a stretch of desolate coast for a couple of days and gather food from the see and rocks. Well, to find such a desolate stretch of coast was the first big challenge, but after that it became much easier. Google Earth was used in the search and an area was roughly identified as target.

As previously mentioned, planning such a trip is half the fun for me. To get to our target area, we would have to hike about 10 kilometers along the coast with our gear. A gear list was drawn up, weight and usefulness of each item was considered and included or discarded on the short list. Diving gear was minimized to goggles, snorkel, small flippers and a spear gun. Luckily the water was a decent temperature at the time.

The scenery en route was spectacular and needed some stops to take it all in.

On Google Earth we could make out, what looked like a building without a roof. The Afrikaans word, "murasie", is very fitting. So after about 10 kilometers walk, we found the "Murasie".

The "Murasie" is a combination of Awesome and Sad emotions, heavily entwined. Breathtaking views, but with lots of unanswered questions.

The view from the front porch . . . . . .

This was for sure the best place to set up our base camp. We quickly start setting up a kitchen area and we also collected some firewood and figured out a nifty fireplace.

 We went diving and got fish and some nice size "alikreukel" that were cooked with a little bit of rice.

 Time for a fire and some food prep.

The evening came with the most beautiful sunset . . . . just add some good music and you have a vibe

There's a saying: If you are having fun, you are winning !

Slept with the sound of waves crushing against the rocks

For breakfast, we reheated the leftover alikreukel and rice dish

We went spearfishing again to secure enough food for the day

Late morning, the sun became a bit intense, but we were prepared. Two tarps were put to good use in constructing a shelter.

For lunch, we braai-ed the fish and ate like kings !

After lunch, we took a siesta

Late afternoon the clouds gathered and we decided to pack our stuff and head home. This trip was definitely one for the books !!


Friday, January 6, 2023

Vicky Wes 2.0

 August 2022

It was time again for a hunting trip  - the second one to Victoria West (2.0)

Driving there is half the fun, because we "kuier" properly with every kilometer passing by 😀

Music is the thing !!

Always time for a coffee stop

 Getting closer . . . . . . music pumping


Lekker lunch at Three Sisters - Steers


When we get to the farm, our host was busy with a braai and we joined right in 




At sundown we shoot a few shots to check the rifle's zero and making some small final adjustments.

BASECAMP: Awesome and Sad entwined (No-one lives permanently on the farm anymore)

 Hunting springbuck on foot in the vast open spaces of the Karoo, is no easy task. You got to make use of every peace of cover you can get, sometimes crawling on your belly down an erosion ditch or on your knees through taller grasses/small bushes. A tree as cover between you and the pray, making sure you are downwind all the time. You can walk for kilometers without seeing anything; using elevation can be to your benefit. Patience is key.

After literally hours of "walk and stalk", the rewards are worthy and special !

Tonight we braai and reminisce about the hunt.

The next day, more on-foot hunting. Myself struggling with a serious flu, literally just tagging along.
We need some rest, and made small fire, ate and rest in a dried-up riverbed.

After some rest, dedication and pure stubbiness not to give up, lead to more success for Ruhan !

Last afternoon and we take a drive out to another part of the farm.
Silver - Spoegwolf 


And then, sooner than expected, our time on the farm comes to an end.

Baviaans Spook 2022

 Ruhan and me attended this music festival in the Baviaans Kloof. Got tickets 3 days before the event, so everything had to be organized in a very short time.  Did the weekend on our trusty steeds:

 The Baviaans Kloof . . . .  

Finding a good camping spot took a while, but finally got this gem:

The Stage:

After the first night's show, we came back and had a braai . . . . . 

Late night . . . .  NO ! . . . . Early morning wors braai

Early morning coffee

Coffee only lasted that long, from there it was time for some "fynetjies"


We did a bit of a dress-up for the day's "kuier" next to the river

No one else than Abel Kraamsaal (Abe) . . . . Ruhan's brother's childhood buddy
We luv your music man !!

Little clip of "Bottomless Coffee Band" performing