Sunday, November 9, 2014

Trip in the Field

Ean and me, bought an old Honda 250 XL last week.
Ean is learning to ride and I thought it good to go for a ride in the field.
Challenging terrain, thats how you learn the fastest.

Also kitted my bike with the new soft luggage system, so that I can get used to it.
Tiaan also rode with me, on the challenging places, I let him off and he took some pics.

Helped Ean out with the 250 up this hill which was very steep and scattered with lose rocks

Finally reaching the top.

The Honda don't have excellent brakes, and on the downhill, Ean put the Honda down.
Clutch lever broke off
Rode the bike without a clutch, till we got to a place for a pickup.
That was exausting !!!