Thursday, April 7, 2016

Scouting the South Coast

After spending 2 weeks on holiday with the family, I decided to go on a solo 2 day bike trip to check out some south coast villages.

Left on Sunday afternoon; stopped at my favorite cheese store just before Swellendam.

Geezzzz, this is one sexy bike !! Full of curves in the right places  !!

First overnight stop at Gouritzmond

Got a place in the local caravanpark, after I had to call the number on the gate because it was getting late.

Not much on the menu, but will do

Arrived to late to buy firewood, so searched other camping spots for left behind wood

Next morning had a visitor snooping around

Packed up and left for Boggomsbaai.

Not really my cup of tea.
Then drove around to Vleesbaai.
Also not what I have expected. Lots of security and No-Entry signs. Don't have a holiday feel to it, more like a big security complex next to the sea.

Just outside Vleesbaai, there's a road to the left to Fransmanshoek.
It's a Conservancy Bewarea of Cape Nature. Beautiful place !!

From here it was on to Stilbaai. Nice piece of gravel road and I turned the lady's ear a bit.
Drove down to the habour. Looking for something to eat.

Burger and chips with a heavy smell of fish hanging in the air . . . . . . lol 

The afternoon I visited with Chris and Amanda from Dustriders. What great people ! Chatted and drank coffee the whole afternoon. When I left, Chris first made some adjustments to my soft luggage bags. (bought from them previously)

Went to Jongensfontein caravan park to settle for the night. Had to call the number on the gate again because I was "late" again.

Now this place got potential for a weekend breakaway !

Next morning, I first went for a long walk through Jongensfontein.
It was raining at times and with the feeling of not wanting to return yet, the packing was going sloooooo. 
First I drove the gravel road from Blombos to Riversdal, skipping the Vermaaklikheid detour, just because at that time it was really pouring. 

From Riversdal, Chris told me about a gravel road to Heidelberg, continuing from there to Tradouw Pass. The road passes Korintepoort Dam which also have some promising accommodation with very nice scenery and a lay back feeling.
This was by far the best gravel ride I had in a long time ! 

With the rain pouring at times, I had a very interesting ride. 
Loved it !!! Love the GSA !!

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